From remakes of beloved games like Resident Evil 2 andRead more
From remakes of beloved games like Resident Evil 2 andRead more
In about a month’s time, RLCS9 will kick off, andRead more
Mentioned in this article Companies: On Tuesday, the year 2019Read more
By Stephany Nunneley, Thursday, 2 January 2020 20:05 GMT TwitchRead more
Fortnite is still the biggest game in the world —Read more
Another “Fortnite” drama has sparked recently and this time itRead more
Another “Fortnite” drama has sparked recently and this time itRead more
Scott Bachrach, the president of Tastemakers, explains how professional videoRead more
Fortnite Epic A staple of Fortnite over the past twoRead more
Through the online streaming platform Twitch, Fortnite has grown fromRead more