Get ready to Glow, Levitate, and Rise Above. Samsung ElectronicsRead more

Get ready to Glow, Levitate, and Rise Above. Samsung ElectronicsRead more
Fortnite player’s complaints of the BRUTE mechs in Season 10Read more
Ali has spoken out about teaming on Fortnite (Picture: Ali-A/Twitter/REX)Read more
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Skill-based matchmaking has finally arrived in Fortnite Battle Royale withRead more
Mobcrush, a livestreaming platform that reaches 84 million monthly users,Read more
One Fortnite player has found an ingenious way to useRead more
Fortnite season X has changed so much that it’s overwhelming TheRead more
Image copyright Getty Images If you play Fortnite there isRead more
Image copyright Getty Images If you play Fortnite there isRead more