How to make a Minecraft nether portal without diamond pickaxe – Sportskeeda

Building a nether portal is an essential aspect of beating Minecraft. Without going to the nether, Minecraft players will not be able to obtain ender eyes that will lead those who throw them to the end stronghold.

Making a nether portal in Minecraft is not always easy, however. It requires at least 10 blocks of obsidian which cannot be mined or obtained without a diamond pickaxe. Diamonds are not commonly found early on during Minecraft gameplay, and players often do not have diamonds on them when they are ready to go to the nether.

Especially for players who like to speedrun Minecraft, making a nether portal quickly is a must. Luckily, there are a few different options when it comes to making a nether portal without needing a diamond pickaxe.

How to make a nether portal in Minecraft without using a diamond pickaxe

Lava Pool

One of the main ways gamers can build a nether portal in Minecraft without a diamond pickaxe is through the use of a lava pool. Lava turns to obsidian when water is poured onto it, so if players can do this and shape the blocks currently, they’ll have a nether portal in no time.

This method is often done by speedrunners like Dream and requires at least one bucket and a water source.

When a lava pool has been located, players should use building blocks to help shape the outline of the portal. Once an outline starts to take shape, take the bucket and fill it with lava. Place the lava where the obsidian block will go.

Then, fill the bucket with water and place it next to or on top of the lava. This will cause it to instantly turn to obsidian. Players can repeat this process until the shape of a nether portal has formed, then all there’s left to do is light the portal.

It is important to pick up the placed water almost immediately after placing it. Because the water can easily flow onto the rest of the lava pool and turn it all to obsidian.

Ruined Portal

Image via Minecraft Image via Planet MinecraftMinecraft YouTube channel for all the latest game updates!

Edited by Gautham Balaji

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